Monday, June 2, 2008

...all the way home

Our good friends Sagey and Blunoz are acting like delinquent teenagers. Imagine your worst experience as a high schooler: "Come-on! Everybodies doing it!!!"

They want us to buy a Wii.

We're trying to talk ourselves out of it. The Wii Fit looks really fun. But we're just having trouble justifying the investment of money (minor issue) and time (major issue) that bringing that box into the house will entail. But we had a run in today.

We were in the local "shop" waiting for the thunder and lightning to clear out. And there was a big sign:



So, living up to the tattoo I have on my forehead, I walked over and reached for the pen and pad of entry slips. And as I'm getting ready to start entering data on the slip I look more closely at the sign: "Drawing on 14 June..." blah blah blah...

Then I notice the small print:


For the opportunity to purchase a


So, I put the pen down in disgust and walked away. Rational thought prevails (for today anyway).


Sagey said...

Well, that us start with the fact that LS emailed us asking us about the Wii and what we thought of it. Our encouragement to purchase one was NOT unsolicited. :-)

I had no intention of purchasing the Fit system until he sent us a NY Times article, describing how wonderful the system was (we already had the Wii). Seriously the Fit has added to my exercise routine. I have used muscles that I normally wouldn't; I have added variety to my cardio and my strengh training (which is really lacking); I have burned lots of calories; and I am getting pretty good at Yoga. So where is the problem?

LS said he needed to work on his strength training, and what better way to do it in the comfort of your own home with your own personal computerized trainer? :-)

We find that we have two types of friends, those that are into video games and those that aren't. Obviously LS and his family falls into the NOT and we love to harass them about it.

But for those of you wondering if the Wii and the Wii Fit are worth purchasing, both Blunoz and I will give a whole hearted YES. Go check out Blunoz' blog entries about it and see for youself. Or maybe LS can find that link to the NY Times article and include that in the post.

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Savvy marketing almost suckered us in! (Do you think Sagey will ever talk to you again?) :)

blunoz said...

WHAT?!?! Delinquent teenagers????? When have I ever told anyone else "you should buy a Wii"???? I think my posts about the Wii have involved the danger of doing damage to your TV and the agony in my right arm and shoulder from pulling a few muscles trying to do Wii Fit Yoga. If you want to buy a Wii IN SPITE OF those dangers, then it's ALL YOU MAN! No blaming ME like I didn't WARN you of the pitfalls of the Wii! :-)