Thursday, December 6, 2007


So the weather today was just like yesterday, only snowing and colder. So I elected to run on a nearby treadmill. It ended up being a good idea as the snow just kept getting stronger.

I don't particularly care for treadmills too much. I just think it's kind of boring. I also have a problem with them. And not just because the one I was on seemed to half-stall every 5 minutes or so, kind of a stutter-step, nothing too terribly serious. My real problem with them is psychological. I always end up running too hard and too long. I went out to do about 30 minutes and just get a little exercise. I ended up with a 45 minute run, doing pyramids at up to a 6 minute mile pace for a couple of minutes here and there.

I think I fall prey to the fact that you can very exactly control your pace, and I just feel I have to. So tomorrow, I'm going to run outside, or I will very seriously, honestly NOT push my self on the treadmill.


Sagey said...

I actually prefer treadmills to walking outside. I tend to lallygag and not keep a pace that would be considered exercising. :-)

Loping Squid said...

Sagey, I did improve a little, the next I ran again, this time I kept it short and slow...

Anonymous said...

Treadmills suck, at least mentally. Here in MI I get resigned to it plenty in the winter. But an ultrarunner told me recently, the stronger you get on the 'mill, the stronger you'll be in events (mentally that is). He's given me some gradual incline and gradual speed workouts that help break up the monotony.

Irregardless....good on you for getting on the treadmill instead of just walking away. Snow and ice makes it tough (glances out the window). Buy some yak trax and hit the trails. *grin*

Keep up the good work...and great job on your last race of 07...Bask in that new PR!

blunoz said...

That was one thing I really liked about working at my last job in the DC suburbs. They had a fantastic gym, and there were like a dozen treadmills and half a dozen elliptical machines all facing out these big bay windows overlooking the beautiful Northern Virginia countryside. Even though you were running indoors on the treadmill, you could still sorta feel like you were outside because of the big windows and all the trees outside.