Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Years

So, after spending a few months away from the family, I've taken advantage of the holidays by doing absolutely nothing when it comes to fitness. Yes. Nothing. I finally got tired of being a slug, and announced to the family "That's it, I think I'm going for a run today." It drew the immediate response from my son: "No, Daddy, don't go!!!" as he ran across the room to give me a big hug.

So I'm running tomorrow.

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2007 Summary:

Total miles (since I started tracking): 250.7 miles
Races: 6 (3x5k, 3x10k)

2008 Goals:

1) Broaden my fitness horizon to more than running. I did a lot of running in 2007, but not enough cross training. I kept telling myself that once I improved my cardiovascular fitness enough, I'd start doing more cross training. I didn't. So I want to do that this year.

2) Run something other than a 5 or 10 k. I had a lot of fun running them this past year. I'm thinking either something trail oriented or something longer. It will require a bit more thought and research.


Anonymous said...

And we thank you for your fitness sacrifice :)

Anonymous said...

I think the lack of fitness has invaded many of us. There's always tomorrow!

Trail runs rock! We're doing a 100k team trail relay in May that we've heard is more hill climbing and sliding, creek wading, and such than actual running. HHMM.

Again , more familiar territory...over the winter I'm cutting back on my running (in part due to a bad sickness) and bringing in more swimming and weight training.

Good luck with it all!

blunoz said...

Yeah, I can relate on a couple of fronts. As my fitness log posted on my blog for everyone to read has shown, I haven't done DIDLY SQUAT on the PT front over the stand down. Well, that isn't totally true. I mean, we did a lot of snorkeling and I did take the boys for a 5 mile hike yesterday, but I haven't been running at all.

I have also made the same statement to myself that, "Self, first you need to get in good cardio shape, then we'll do the cross-training," but I never get there. LW keeps telling me I should go lift weights, too. Maybe I should take the hint... I'm just not buff enough for her (ha ha).

We've got a USMC mud run through obstacles and stuff coming up here in February the COB is trying to talk me into. It sounds like it might be fun.

Sagey said...

You need to get a jogging stoller so you can take your little one with you! Think about how easy it would be to run a Marathon if you trained while pushing him in the stroller and then when you go to run the marathon you have suddenly lost 40 or so pounds! Or you could teach him to ride his bike along with you.

Give your LW some much deserved quiet time!